get in on the ground floor

ph. 一開始就參與


ph. 片語
get vt. 獲得、買到、捉住、逮住、收到、理解、帶走、計算出 vi. 變成、到達
get about ph. 旅行、走動、流傳
get along vi. 和睦相處、離開
get back ph. 回來、重新執政、失而復得
get cool feet ph. 臨陣退縮
get going ph. 出發、開動
get high ph. 用…過癮
get in 進入、到家、抵達、種下、上車、當選
get in on prep. 參加
get in on the act ph. 插一手
get in on the ground floor ph. 一開始就參與
get in the way 妨礙
get off ph. 下車、離開、下班、停止觸碰
get on 上車、應付、進步
get on for ph. 接近
get on your high horse ph. 自命不凡
get out ph. 盤問出 v. 逃出
get out of ph. 逃避
get out of bed ph. 起床
get out of bed on the wrong side ph. 心情不好